Alan's October Garden Tips

Fall is the best time for container gardens. It’s time to reward ourselves with cool season edibles and/or plants that require less water.

From patio to kitchen: Plant blueberries and strawberries in your patio pots and enjoy fresh berries this holiday season! We carry a year round variety called “Sunshine Blue” and a new strawberry called “Seascape”, try them!

More edibles: Plant your boxes with more edibles! Pick some vegetables, for example: winter kale or leaf lettuce, surrounded by beets or carrots, and add some green onions or parsley. Beautiful to look at and delicious to eat!!

Drought tolerant plants for pots? Try Artemisia Powis Castle, French lavenders and White sage. Herbs such as Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano are also “low watering”.

Cracked pots?! Have you thought of creative ways to use old or cracked pots? Try succulents, they don’t mind a rustic old home or cracks to fill the gaps! Echeverias and Sempervivum (Hens & Chicks) are perfect for that job!

Water conservation: Consider reducing your lawn area. Perhaps build more patio areas and plant (or pot) fruit trees like figs, pomegranates or guavas for live umbrellas. They are easy to grow and will reward you with harvests from October to December.

Plant of the month: Eucalyptus Moon Lagoon (Fine –Leafed Mallee)
It’s aromatic gray-blue leaves are often used in cut flower arrangements. It is drought tolerant and loves the sun. This evergreen shrub can get as tall as 12ft, but if kept pruned to about 4ft you will enjoy the young fragrant leaves.